Classifying abstracts using regularized models: covid-19 or sars-2003?

Data Science

Classifying abstracts using regularized models: covid-19 or sars-2003?

Mihiretu Kebede(PhD)


Classifying documents to a certain list of categories can provide valuable insights and possibly make the documents more manageable. Document classification is one of the application areas of machine learning. Natural Language Processing(NLP) and machine learning methods can be used to automate classification of documents such as emails(ham/spam categories), articles, books, response to survey questions, sentiments, product reviews(negative/positive), etc.

There are handful of very good algorithms that can automagically handle text data. In this blog post, I would like to experiment regularized logistic regression machine learning models for classifying abstracts.

I am interested in predicting abstracts that will fall into “SARS_2003” and “COVID_19” categories. For this task, I will use the same data sets that I have used in my previous blog posts. I saved the references files in excel from my previous post. I will simply load this excel file and play with the abstract using qunateda and glmnet packages.


I load the data and see a summary of number of characters used to write the abstracts. For this analysis, I will use only abstracts having 200 characters. I will just filter out the abstracts on the lower side of the extreme.

Check number of covid/sars papers

The covid abstracts were originally labeled as “included” and sars abstracts as “excluded”. I will simply create a category variable and change the labels to “covid” or “sars”. About 52% of the abstracts have “covid” labels the remaining is “sars”.

covid_sars$category <- covid_sars$Include
covid_sars$category[covid_sars$category=="not included"]<-"sars"


covid  sars 
  506   464 
round(table(covid_sars$category) %>% prop.table()*100, 1)

covid  sars 
 52.2  47.8 

Split the data

Before we do any steps in a text analysis, it is recommended to split the data. Splitting the data after tokenization is not a good approach. So, we will instead split the data into train and test set, tokenize the train and test sets separately, build models, match the variables of the test data set with the train. Finally, we will predict the test data and then evaluate our predictions.

library(caret) #For splitting 


trainIndex <- createDataPartition(covid_sars$category, p = .8, 
                                  list = FALSE, 
                                  times = 1)

train <- covid_sars[trainIndex,]
test  <- covid_sars[-trainIndex,]


covid  sars 
  405   372 

covid  sars 
  101    92 
[1] 777

Text analysis

If you are interested in text analysis, I reccommend visiting Quanteda website. Quanteda is a great package for text analysis. One of the great advantage of quanteda is it is super fast, have so many powerful functions. I have tried five different R packages for text data. Based on my personal taste, I would rank them as follows: Quanteda, txt2vec, tidytext, tm.

Create Corpus


#Train data
tr <- train[, 6] # the sixth variable is unique label. I will use it as identifier. 
traincorpus <- corpus(train$abstract,
                      docvars = data.frame(trainvars=names(tr)))
#Test data
ts <- test[, 6]

testcorpus <- corpus(test$abstract,
                     docvars = data.frame(testvars=names(ts)))
Corpus consisting of 777 documents, showing 2 documents:

  Text Types Tokens Sentences trainvars
 text1   165    337        11     label
 text2    94    164         5     label
# Connect the labels with the corpuses
docid_train <- train$label

docnames(traincorpus) <- docid_train
Corpus consisting of 1 document and 1 docvar.
Ataguba2020.1 :
"The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affecte..."
docid_test <- test$label
docnames(testcorpus) <- docid_test

summary(testcorpus, 2)
Corpus consisting of 193 documents, showing 2 documents:

           Text Types Tokens Sentences testvars
   Coccia2020.1   264    782        12    label
 Cagliani2020.1   182    337        16    label
summary(traincorpus, 4)
Corpus consisting of 777 documents, showing 4 documents:

          Text Types Tokens Sentences trainvars
 Ataguba2020.1   165    337        11     label
  Sigala2020.1    94    164         5     label
 Lechner2020.1   103    160         7     label
    Okba2020.1   118    176         6     label


traintokens <- tokens(traincorpus,
                      remove_punct = TRUE,
                      remove_url = TRUE,
                      remove_numbers = TRUE)

traintokens <- tokens_remove(traintokens, 

testtokens <- tokens(testcorpus,
                     remove_punct = TRUE,
                     remove_url = TRUE,
                     remove_numbers = TRUE)

testtokens <- tokens_remove(testtokens, 

Construct the DFM objects

dfmat_train <- dfm(traintokens)

dfmat_test <- dfm(testtokens)

Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 12,119 features (99.21% sparse) and 1 docvar.
docs            coronavirus disease covid-19 pandemic affected many
  Ataguba2020.1           2       2        6        3        1    7
  Sigala2020.1            0       0        4        1        0    0
docs            countries increasing morbidity mortality
  Ataguba2020.1         7          1         2         1
  Sigala2020.1          0          0         0         0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 12,109 more features ]
Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 5,484 features (97.01% sparse) and 1 docvar.
docs             study two goals first explain geo-environmental
  Coccia2020.1       3   1     1     1       1                 1
  Cagliani2020.1     0   0     0     0       0                 0
docs             determinants accelerated diffusion covid-19
  Coccia2020.1              1           3         3        9
  Cagliani2020.1            0           0         0        0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 5,474 more features ]

The training data has 12,119 features and is 99.2% sparse, while the test data has 5,484 features and 97% sparsity. I will not do anything to reduce the sparsity. But, you may have to do it if you have a large number of observations. Quanteda’s dfm_trim() can do that for you.

TF-IDF weighting is known to improve prediction performance. I will use that here too.

dfmat_train_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(dfmat_train)
dfmat_test_tfidf <- dfm_tfidf(dfmat_test)

Let’s inspect the two tfidf data that were created above.

head(dfmat_train_tfidf, 2)
Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 12,119 features (99.21% sparse) and 1 docvar.
docs            coronavirus   disease covid-19  pandemic affected
  Ataguba2020.1     0.86811 0.8990239 2.287311 1.8627242 1.182851
  Sigala2020.1      0       0         1.524874 0.6209081 0       
docs                many countries increasing morbidity mortality
  Ataguba2020.1 7.450424  6.911317   1.475448  3.319944  1.126993
  Sigala2020.1  0         0          0         0         0       
[ reached max_nfeat ... 12,109 more features ]
Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents, 5,484 features (97.01% sparse) and 1 docvar.
docs                study      two    goals     first  explain
  Coccia2020.1   1.659491 0.870584 1.808436 0.7057737 1.984527
  Cagliani2020.1 0        0        0        0         0       
docs             geo-environmental determinants accelerated diffusion
  Coccia2020.1            2.285557     2.285557    5.953582  5.425308
  Cagliani2020.1          0            0           0         0       
docs             covid-19
  Coccia2020.1   3.642693
  Cagliani2020.1 0       
[ reached max_nfeat ... 5,474 more features ]

Model building

Why not logistic regression?

My data has two class labels(covid vs sars) and all numerical features. Why not logistic regression, then? Well, linear models provide great approaches to predictive modeling given that the assumptions are met! These assumptions (for example: hemoscidascity of variance) are violated when we have more number of features than observations (For example in genetics studies and text analysis, this is often the case). Applying linear models to such data results in biased coefficients, weaker prediction performance scores, overfitting or high out of sample prediction error problems. Hence, penalizing the estimated model coefficients was devised. This method of penalizing linear models is called “Regularization”. There are three most commonly used approaches to regularization for logistic regression: Ridge, LASSO, and Elastic net.

In Ridge penalty, the estimated model coefficients are penalized by adding the following parameter. SSE \[\begin{equation} \ SSE = \sum^n_{i=1} \left(y_i - \hat{y}_i\right)^2 \end{equation}\]

\[\begin{equation} \ SSE + \lambda \sum^p_{j=1} \beta_j^2 \ \end{equation}\]

This is called L^2 norm. From the above equation if lambda equals 0, the model will be equal to the ordinary least squares model. As approaches to infinity, the penalty will force the model coefficients to be closer to zero but not completely to 0. Ridge penalty is known to systematically handling highly correlated features. In Lasso penalty the model coefficients are penalized by a L1 norm as follows. \[\begin{equation}SSE + \lambda \sum^p_{j=1} | \beta_j | \end{equation}\]

Lasso penalty unlike ridge pushes all the coefficients all the way to zero. The advantage of Lasso is it improves model performance while also automating feature selection. Only the features that are important will be retianed on the final model.

Elastic net combines both Lasso and Ridge penalty parameters. Elastic net takes advantages of both Lasso and Ridge penalty: effective regularization by automated feature selection as well as effectively handling correlated features.


Probably the most popular package to implement regualrized models is the glmnet package. This package is lightening fast to tune cross validated models. I watched one very nice webinar tutorial from Dr Trevor Hastie(one of the authors of this package). He mentioned that it is fast because it is programmed in Fortran. I invite you to watch that great webinar here I head I heard there are also other packages like H2O and elastic net. I have never tried any of them.

For regularized models, we have two main tuning parameters: alpha and lambda. In ridge and Lasso the lambda is the only tuning parameter but alpha is set to be 0 and 1, respectively. For tuning lambda, the cv.glmnet() function provides 100 different data driven lambda values and there is no need to do anything else. Since elastic net combines both Lasso and Ridge penalty, we will have two tuning parameters: alpha and lambda. Alpha can take a number values between between 0 and 1, while lambda can have 100 different data driven lambda values by just using cv.glmnet() function.

All models require the data to be in a matrix form. The good thing with quanteda is the document feature matrix is already a matrix object we don’t need to change the structure of our data. Notice the time required to tune the cross-validated algorithms.


# Ridge regression
ridge_1 <- glmnet(x = dfmat_train, y = train$category, 
                    alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
ridge_1_tfidf <- glmnet(x = dfmat_train_tfidf, y = train$category, 
                    alpha = 0, family = "binomial")

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(ridge_1, xvar="lambda", main="Ridge penalty\n\n")
plot(ridge_1_tfidf, xvar="lambda", main="Ridge penalty tfidf\n\n")

x <- Sys.time()

ridge_min <- cv.glmnet(x=dfmat_train,
                   alpha=0,  # alpha = 0 for ridge regression

Again using the tf-idf weighted data

ridge_min_tfidf <- cv.glmnet(x=dfmat_train_tfidf,
                   alpha=0,  # alpha = 0 for ridge regression

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(ridge_min, main="Ridge penalty\n\n")
plot(ridge_min_tfidf, main="Ridge penalty_tfidf\n\n")
Sys.time() - x
Time difference of 19.13474 secs

Let’s plot the results

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(ridge_1, xvar = "lambda", main = "Ridge penalty\n\n") 
abline(v=log(ridge_min$lambda.min), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
abline(v=log(ridge_min$lambda.1se), col = "blue", lty = "dashed")

plot(ridge_1_tfidf, xvar = "lambda", main = "Ridge penalty tfidf\n\n") 
abline(v=log(ridge_min_tfidf$lambda.min), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
abline(v=log(ridge_min_tfidf$lambda.1se), col = "blue", lty = "dashed")

Predict the test data sets

Before we predict the test data, we need to do one very key step. We will predict the test data based on the data that the model was trained. So, features on the test data should match with the features on the training data. Otherwise, the prediction will not work. The model cannot understand anything outside of the features that were in the training data. This is very key step in text prediction. Quanteda provides a nice function for that: dfm_match(). It subsets the features of the test data that were part of the training data.

dfmat_matched <- dfm_match(dfmat_test, 
                           features = featnames(dfmat_train))
# Match the tfi-idf
dfmat_matched_tfidf <- dfm_match(dfmat_test_tfidf, 
                                 features = featnames(dfmat_train_tfidf))

For prediction, I will use the best model from the cross validated models. The best model lies between the model having the minimum lamda value and the model that has a lambda value within 1 se. Here, I will use the minimum lamda value.

# Predict 

Call:  cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_train, y = train$category, parallel = TRUE,      family = "binomial", alpha = 0, intercept = TRUE) 

Measure: Binomial Deviance 

    Lambda Index Measure      SE Nonzero
min  3.060   100   1.023 0.01754   12119
1se  3.518    97   1.040 0.01666   12119
[1] 3.518117
[1] 3.059879
actual_class <- as.factor(test$category)
predicted_class.ridge <- predict(ridge_min, newx=dfmat_matched,s="lambda.min", type="class")

tab_class.ridge <- table(predicted_class.ridge, actual_class)

confusionmatrix_ridge <- confusionMatrix(tab_class.ridge, mode="everything", positive="covid")


Call:  cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_train_tfidf, y = train$category, parallel = TRUE,      family = "binomial", alpha = 0, intercept = TRUE) 

Measure: Binomial Deviance 

    Lambda Index Measure      SE Nonzero
min  3.060   100   1.023 0.01754   12119
1se  3.518    97   1.040 0.01666   12119
[1] 3.518117
[1] 3.059879
actual_class_tfidf <- as.factor(test$category)
predicted_class.ridge_tfidf <- predict(ridge_min_tfidf, newx=dfmat_matched_tfidf, s="lambda.min", type="class")

tab_class.ridge_tfidf <- table(predicted_class.ridge_tfidf, actual_class)

confusionmatrix_ridge_tfidf <- confusionMatrix(tab_class.ridge_tfidf, mode="everything", positive="covid")

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

predicted_class.ridge covid sars
                covid    85   17
                sars     16   75
               Accuracy : 0.829           
                 95% CI : (0.7683, 0.8793)
    No Information Rate : 0.5233          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16          
                  Kappa : 0.6571          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1               
            Sensitivity : 0.8416          
            Specificity : 0.8152          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.8333          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.8242          
              Precision : 0.8333          
                 Recall : 0.8416          
                     F1 : 0.8374          
             Prevalence : 0.5233          
         Detection Rate : 0.4404          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5285          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.8284          
       'Positive' Class : covid           
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

predicted_class.ridge_tfidf covid sars
                      covid    86   17
                      sars     15   75
               Accuracy : 0.8342          
                 95% CI : (0.7741, 0.8837)
    No Information Rate : 0.5233          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16          
                  Kappa : 0.6673          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.8597          
            Sensitivity : 0.8515          
            Specificity : 0.8152          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.8350          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.8333          
              Precision : 0.8350          
                 Recall : 0.8515          
                     F1 : 0.8431          
             Prevalence : 0.5233          
         Detection Rate : 0.4456          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5337          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.8334          
       'Positive' Class : covid           

See, all features are retained in the final models. Looking at the prediction performances of the two, we can see that the tfidf-weighted data has better performance. We will try Lasso if we can improve that.

Lasso penalty

## Lasso model
lasso_1 <- glmnet(x = dfmat_train, y = train$category, 
                    alpha = 1, family = "binomial", type.measure="class") 

lasso_1_tfidf <- glmnet(x = dfmat_train, y = train$category, 
                    alpha = 1, family = "binomial", type.measure="class") 


plot(lasso_1, xvar="lambda", main="Lasso penalty\n\n")
plot(lasso_1_tfidf, xvar="lambda", main="Lasso penalty tfidf\n\n")

x <- Sys.time()
#registerDoMC(cores=2) # parallelize to speed up
lasso <- cv.glmnet(x=dfmat_train,
                   alpha=1,  # alpha = 1: LASSO
                   parallel=TRUE, nfolds = 10,

# tfidf
lasso_tfidf <- cv.glmnet(x=dfmat_train_tfidf,
                   alpha=1,  # alpha = 1: LASSO
                   parallel=TRUE, nfolds = 10,

Sys.time() -x 
Time difference of 3.684551 secs

Call:  cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_train, y = train$category, nfolds = 10, parallel = TRUE,      family = "binomial", alpha = 1, intercept = TRUE) 

Measure: Binomial Deviance 

     Lambda Index Measure      SE Nonzero
min 0.02369    56  0.4940 0.02140      65
1se 0.03132    50  0.5107 0.01893      16

Call:  cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_train_tfidf, y = train$category, nfolds = 10,      parallel = TRUE, family = "binomial", alpha = 1, intercept = TRUE) 

Measure: Binomial Deviance 

     Lambda Index Measure      SE Nonzero
min 0.02369    56  0.4940 0.02139      66
1se 0.03132    50  0.5107 0.01893      16
# Plot lasso without cv and with cv to mark lamda.min and lamda.1se

plot(lasso_1, xvar="lambda", main="Lasso penalty \n\n")
abline(v=log(lasso$lambda.min), col="red", lty="dashed")
abline(v=log(lasso$lambda.1se), col="blue", lty="dashed")

plot(lasso_1_tfidf, xvar="lambda", main="Lasso penalty tfidf \n\n")
abline(v=log(lasso_tfidf$lambda.min), col="red", lty="dashed")
abline(v=log(lasso_tfidf$lambda.1se), col="blue", lty="dashed")

plot(lasso,main="Lasso penalty\n\n")
plot(lasso_tfidf,main="Lasso penalty tfidf\n\n")

# Predict 

Call:  cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_train, y = train$category, nfolds = 10, parallel = TRUE,      family = "binomial", alpha = 1, intercept = TRUE) 

Measure: Binomial Deviance 

     Lambda Index Measure      SE Nonzero
min 0.02369    56  0.4940 0.02140      65
1se 0.03132    50  0.5107 0.01893      16

Call:  cv.glmnet(x = dfmat_train_tfidf, y = train$category, nfolds = 10,      parallel = TRUE, family = "binomial", alpha = 1, intercept = TRUE) 

Measure: Binomial Deviance 

     Lambda Index Measure      SE Nonzero
min 0.02369    56  0.4940 0.02139      66
1se 0.03132    50  0.5107 0.01893      16
[1] 0.03131881
[1] 0.02369153
actual_class <- as.factor(test$category)
predicted_class.lasso <- predict(lasso, newx=dfmat_matched,s="lambda.min", type="class")

tab_class.lasso <- table(predicted_class.lasso, actual_class)

confusion_matrix_lasso <- confusionMatrix(tab_class.lasso, mode="everything", positive="covid")

[1] 0.03131881
[1] 0.02369153
actual_class_tfidf <- as.factor(test$category)
predicted_class.lasso_tfidf <- predict(lasso_tfidf,

tab_class.lasso_tfidf <- table(predicted_class.lasso_tfidf, actual_class)

confusion_matrix_lasso_tfidf <- confusionMatrix(tab_class.lasso_tfidf, mode="everything", positive="covid")

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

predicted_class.lasso covid sars
                covid   100   11
                sars      1   81
               Accuracy : 0.9378          
                 95% CI : (0.8939, 0.9675)
    No Information Rate : 0.5233          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.8748          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.009375        
            Sensitivity : 0.9901          
            Specificity : 0.8804          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.9009          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.9878          
              Precision : 0.9009          
                 Recall : 0.9901          
                     F1 : 0.9434          
             Prevalence : 0.5233          
         Detection Rate : 0.5181          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5751          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.9353          
       'Positive' Class : covid           
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

predicted_class.lasso_tfidf covid sars
                      covid   100   11
                      sars      1   81
               Accuracy : 0.9378          
                 95% CI : (0.8939, 0.9675)
    No Information Rate : 0.5233          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.8748          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.009375        
            Sensitivity : 0.9901          
            Specificity : 0.8804          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.9009          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.9878          
              Precision : 0.9009          
                 Recall : 0.9901          
                     F1 : 0.9434          
             Prevalence : 0.5233          
         Detection Rate : 0.5181          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5751          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.9353          
       'Positive' Class : covid           

The best model in the end retains 65 variables. If we used tf-idf weighting, the best model retains 69 of the 1219 variables. That is great way to reduce the irrelevant features. We can have a look at some of these variables using the vippackage. VIP ranks based on their importance scores.

vip(lasso_tfidf, 10)

Let’s see if this this variables are also the main features in the ridge model.

vip(ridge_min_tfidf, 10)

Elastic net

In my experience with text data, I found elastic net regression having problems with the matrix format of the dfm objects resulted from quanteda. I will have to convert the matrix formats to data frames.

da_train <- cbind(category=train$category, 
                  convert(dfmat_train, to="data.frame")) 

da_train_tfidf <- cbind(category=train$category, 
                        convert(dfmat_train_tfidf, to="data.frame")) 
[1] 12119
[1] 12121
da_train <- da_train[,-2] #the document identifier variable should be removed
[1] 12120
## The tfidf version 
[1] 12119
[1] 12121
da_train_tfidf <- da_train_tfidf[,-2] #the document identifier variable should be removed
[1] 12120
da_train_xmatrix <- da_train[,-1]  %>% %>% as.matrix() 
da_train_xdf <- da_train  %>%

#for the tf-idf pre-processed data 

da_train_xmatrix_tfidf <- da_train_tfidf[,-1]  %>% %>% as.matrix() 

da_train_xdf_tfidf <- da_train_tfidf  %>%
da_test_match <- cbind(category=test$category, convert(dfmat_matched, to="data.frame")) 

da_test_match <- da_test_match[,-2] 
[1] 12120
da_test_xmatrix <- da_test_match[,-1]  %>% %>% as.matrix() 
[1] 12119
[1] 12119
# Do the same for the tfidf data

da_test_match_tfidf <- cbind(category=test$category, convert(dfmat_matched_tfidf, to="data.frame")) 

da_test_match_tfidf <- da_test_match_tfidf[,-2] #the document identifier variable should be removed
[1] 12120
da_test_xmatrix_tfidf <- da_test_match_tfidf[,-1]  %>% %>% as.matrix() # remove the dependent variable

[1] 12119
[1] 12119
# Fit elastic net regression with 10 different alpha values from 0 to 1

x <- Sys.time()

y=ifelse(da_train_xdf$category=="covid", "1", "0") # convert to numeric labels
cv_glmnet_10_roc <- train(x = da_train_xdf[,-1], 
                          y = y, type.measure="auc", method="glmnet",
                          traControl=trainControl(method="cv", number=10),
                          tuneLength=10) # I will use 10 different alpha values between 0 and 1

Time difference of -5.825018 mins
x <- Sys.time()

cv_glmnet_10_roc_tfidf <- train(x = da_train_xdf_tfidf[,-1], 
                                y = y, type.measure="auc", method="glmnet",

Time difference of -6.101622 mins

Let’s visualize the two models



## Predict using the belastic model cv_glmnet_50
predicted_class.elastic_10 <- predict(cv_glmnet_10_roc, 

predicted_class.elastic_10 <- as.factor(ifelse(predicted_class.elastic_10==0, "sars", "covid"))

confusion_mat_elastic_net <- confusionMatrix(predicted_class.elastic_10, 
                                      actual_class, mode="everything",

#Predict the tfidf weighted data

predicted_class.elastic_10_tfidf <- predict(cv_glmnet_10_roc_tfidf,

predicted_class.elastic_10_tfidf <- as.factor(ifelse(predicted_class.elastic_10_tfidf==0, "sars", "covid"))
confusion_mat_elastic_net_tfidf <- confusionMatrix(predicted_class.elastic_10_tfidf, 
                                            mode="everything", positive="covid") 

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction covid sars
     covid   100   11
     sars      1   81
               Accuracy : 0.9378          
                 95% CI : (0.8939, 0.9675)
    No Information Rate : 0.5233          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.8748          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.009375        
            Sensitivity : 0.9901          
            Specificity : 0.8804          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.9009          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.9878          
              Precision : 0.9009          
                 Recall : 0.9901          
                     F1 : 0.9434          
             Prevalence : 0.5233          
         Detection Rate : 0.5181          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5751          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.9353          
       'Positive' Class : covid           
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction covid sars
     covid   100   11
     sars      1   81
               Accuracy : 0.9378          
                 95% CI : (0.8939, 0.9675)
    No Information Rate : 0.5233          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.8748          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.009375        
            Sensitivity : 0.9901          
            Specificity : 0.8804          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.9009          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.9878          
              Precision : 0.9009          
                 Recall : 0.9901          
                     F1 : 0.9434          
             Prevalence : 0.5233          
         Detection Rate : 0.5181          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5751          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.9353          
       'Positive' Class : covid           

Final remarks

Notice, Lasso and Elastic net models gave us superior prediction performances. A model with a sensitivity of 99%, and a specificity of 88%, and precision of more than 90% is extraordinarily superior to me! Sensitivity and specificity are not affected by prevalence. But, precision(positive predictive value) and negative predictive values are influenced by prevalence.It is possible to calculate confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity. But, I will not do that here. Since the prevalence of covid abstracts is high(52%), the precission of my predictive models are all high. This may not be the case if your model is dealing with rare cases.

This book by Bradley Boehmke & Brandon Greenwell is a good reference to learn about machine learning. It is freely available. But, you can also buy a hard copy. It is one of my favorite machine learning books.



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For attribution, please cite this work as

Kebede(PhD) (2023, April 1). Aspire Data Solutions: Classifying abstracts using regularized models: covid-19 or sars-2003?. Retrieved from

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  author = {Kebede(PhD), Mihiretu},
  title = {Aspire Data Solutions: Classifying abstracts using regularized models: covid-19 or sars-2003?},
  url = {},
  year = {2023}